Togliere dopo 3 o 4 minuti le uova dall’acqua.
Servirle immediatamente nell’apposito portauovo accompagnate da una fettina di pane toscano appena tostata.
Le uova alla coque hanno un albume lattuginoso, parzialmente coagulato e il tuorlo appena tiepido. Questa modalità di cottura rispetta le caratteristiche organolettiche dell’alimento e lo rende facilmente digeribile.
Here is one of many ways we use the B & B La Casa di Adelina to prepare eggs without added fat.
After washing thoroughly the eggs with water and bicarbonate and drill a hole in the base of the shell so as to avoid breakage caused by the internal pressure during cooking.
Immerse eggs gently, using a spoon or a skimmer, in boiling water or, better, just below the boiling point.
Remove after 3 or 4 minutes the eggs from the water.
Serve immediately into the egg cup accompanied by a slice of freshly toasted Tuscan bread.
The soft-boiled eggs have an egg white lattuginoso, partially coagulated and the yolk barely warm. This mode of cooking respects the organoleptic characteristics of the food and makes it easily digestible.Here is one of many ways we use the B & B La Casa di Adelina to prepare eggs without added fat.
After washing thoroughly the eggs with water and bicarbonate and drill a hole in the base of the shell so as to avoid breakage caused by the internal pressure during cooking.
Immerse eggs gently, using a spoon or a skimmer, in boiling water or, better, just below the boiling point.
Remove after 3 or 4 minutes the eggs from the water.
Serve immediately into the egg cup accompanied by a slice of freshly toasted Tuscan bread.
The soft-boiled eggs have an egg white lattuginoso, partially coagulated and the yolk barely warm. This mode of cooking respects the organoleptic characteristics of the food and makes it easily digestible.Here is one of many ways we use the B & B La Casa di Adelina to prepare eggs without added fat.
After washing thoroughly the eggs with water and bicarbonate and drill a hole in the base of the shell so as to avoid breakage caused by the internal pressure during cooking.
Immerse eggs gently, using a spoon or a skimmer, in boiling water or, better, just below the boiling point.
Remove after 3 or 4 minutes the eggs from the water.
Serve immediately into the egg cup accompanied by a slice of freshly toasted Tuscan bread.
The soft-boiled eggs have an egg white lattuginoso, partially coagulated and the yolk barely warm. This mode of cooking respects the organoleptic characteristics of the food and makes it easily digestible.Here is one of many ways we use the B & B La Casa di Adelina to prepare eggs without added fat.
After washing thoroughly the eggs with water and bicarbonate and drill a hole in the base of the shell so as to avoid breakage caused by the internal pressure during cooking.
Immerse eggs gently, using a spoon or a skimmer, in boiling water or, better, just below the boiling point.
Remove after 3 or 4 minutes the eggs from the water.
Serve immediately into the egg cup accompanied by a slice of freshly toasted Tuscan bread.
The soft-boiled eggs have an egg white lattuginoso, partially coagulated and the yolk barely warm. This mode of cooking respects the organoleptic characteristics of the food and makes it easily digestible.